søndag den 19. juni 2011

Cursed sunday, I must despise you

(Okay, let me try this in english. Gustavo, please don't put my danish work through Google translate. I just know it's going to come out like a sexjoke told at a funeral - all wrong and not funny at all.)

Yesterday I attended a dinner party at a friends house. It was a hoot! After a sumptuous meal all the girls quite magically transformed into wonderful singers, and we gave it our worst at the microphones.
As it sometimes (okay, often!) happens, the men were to cool to let their hair down... maybe that had something to do with the fact, that out of 5 guys, only 2 had hair..?.. Anywho - as I saw it everybody had a good time, and we decided to take the party downtown.
A lot of drinks, dances and chit chatting later I arrived at my bed around 6 o'clock. Not that I drink that often, but when I do, I always eat before going to bed. Last time I came home drunk and had a snack, I discovered the next morning, that the bread I had been eating, was moldy. So this time I decided to have some cereal with youghurt... But drunk as I was, I wasn't thinking and poured the cereal first and the last bit of youghurt last, which made it... hmmm... shall we say - a very dry delight. I fell asleep and woke up two hours later with teeth dry as a set of dentures against headwind. Needless to say, I had to get up, have some water and go back to bed. It just so happens that I'm quit unable to fall asleep when the sun is up - so here I am... have been up since yesterday morning at 7 o'clock and with only two hours off sleep under my belt, I'm hoping I'm able to crash on the couch later, sun or no sun. (Wish me luck with that!)
I have a little bit of headache, but I'm too lazy to take the 3 steps to the closet to get me some pills.
I'm considering lying down to watch a movie, but I think it's wisely to wait until the room stands still.

I will probably never drink again, at least not till next time.

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